Now, don't get me wrong here. Scripture is very clear, often, that God has plans for our lives....and even uses the word "predestination" in some places. But if we read carefully, we find that God is much more concerned about our characters than our fact, some of God's greatest work in Biblical people and modern people alike is born out of failures, unwise decisions, and outright sin. God does not condone or promote our frail tendencies toward sin, but we should all be eternally grateful that His Will in our lives is not limited by it! God's will is about who we are and how we honor Him with our that plays-out is, I believe, is up to us. Romans 8:28 is a key in unlocking this.
Here's a closing email I just sent to my friend,
"Sometimes, when faced with making important decisions in a
way that’s consistent with God’s will, we can put undo pressure on ourselves
and the Lord by believing that God has pre-ordained a script of all the
specific things we’re supposed to choose, decisions we’re supposed to make….and
that if we somehow fail to figure each one out just right, then we will screw
up God’s plan and be “out of His will.” In my experience and ministry
with many others, I have found this misunderstanding to underlie a lot of
anxiety that God never intended. God’s will is for us to love Him with
all we are, love others as we love ourselves, and be about His mission, as we
go about our lives. The details of circumstances will be filled with wise
& unwise decisions, but we aren’t going to mess up His will for us….He uses
everything toward transforming us into the image of Jesus over time. So,
as you look into different potential paths to follow, it’s good to be wise
& patient, etc., but try not to put too much pressure on yourself…God will
be with you no matter what, carrying you and leading you and using you no
matter which direction you choose."