Thursday, September 12, 2019

Walking By Faith

Although I live and do ministry in what may be considered the “least religious city in America,” I think that most people here have a favorable view of Jesus.  Historical records and Biblical accounts reveal Him as a relentlessly selfless and compassionate individual.  He healed people from diseases, did miracles, and spent time with social outcasts; and we admire Him for it to this day.  Unfortunately, admiration doesn't translate well.

The warm-fuzzies usually end here, because the model He actually demonstrated and coached for His followers always led to leaps of faith on the part of those He encountered. This doesn’t go well with the narrative of today’s popular opinion; which would much rather have a Jesus who celebrates every alternative idea & action with no need for any of us to conform to a higher set of values.  In our desire to be open and tolerant, we have practically denounced the existence of sin and it’s corrupting influence in our lives. 

It is absolutely, undeniably true that the love of God and mercy of Jesus pierce through into the hearts of every single individual human, regardless of belief or persuasion or morality; but there is an undeniable, inexorable pull for each one of us to cast away those aspects of ourselves that mar the “Image of God” He desires to manufacture in us.  He beckons us to follow Him along unfamiliar paths in faith, for the purpose of building intimacy with Him and coming into alignment with His unique design for us. Do you understand this?  Scripture calls this WALKING BY FAITH.

We are creatures…which means we are created BY the Creator and with the PURPOSE of the Creator.  It is abundantly clear in the revealed-will of God (aka The Scriptures, the Holy Bible) that He did not design us for autonomy from Him, but for partnership with Him.  What is His purpose for you?  Does it line up with your purposes for yourself?  Which of these are you more interested in pursuing for your happiness? The manner in which we answer this question, moment by moment of every day, determines our posture toward our Heavenly Father every step of the way…and His blessing on us follows.

I’m convinced that the primary reason that so many of us struggle to experience the peace & joy & power of God in our lives is that we’re so obsessed by our own agendas that we’re oblivious, or even obstinate, to His.

“See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end…Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…and without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (excerpts from the Biblical book of “Hebrews”)

What do you really know about Jesus?  When was the last time you picked-up your Bible and read His words & deeds? What place does He have in your life today?  If it's been awhile....start reading and praying through the Gospel of John, 1 chapter per day.

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