I'm thinking about the significance of Catalyst's recent fundraising success with the Golf Marathon. 23 people raised $59,000 in sponsorships for playing 100-holes of golf in 4-hours last Saturday. There's nothing noble about showing up to play golf, but the time & energy these guys & gals put into the effort in the weeks leading up to the event was amazing. There are some lessons in there about our motivations, and the effect we can have in the world.
People are motivated by all kinds of things...mostly for personal pleasure or gain. That seems to be the "god" of our age. The place we go to fill the void. "If there's something in it for me, count me in...If it makes me happy or gains me wealth/prestige then I'll invest time & energy into it....but if not, forget it." Most people wouldn't say it like that, but it's pretty much how our motivational drives seem to work. That's the "fallen" side of human nature...self-centered...working to manufacture feelings of worth & hope & joy based upon our circumstances.
But there's another side of our nature, which is tied to the God-Stuff in all of us. Humans are capable of amazing acts of selfless service & sacrifice. People who invest time in energy serving others are the ones who inspire us and catalyze wonderful things in the world. This is God's intention, and it points toward His character. I felt like I was surrounded by people last Saturday who really understood this, and were working toward it. What a pleasure!
When we put our pleasure on hold in order to meet the real needs of others...
When we sacrifice our time in endeavors that benefit others...
When we invest our money to provide for the necessities of others...
...We experience true happiness
...We redeem time
...We generate heavenly wealth for the life to come
...We're acting just like Jesus
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