He's really there, and here, you know. The Spirit of Jesus (aka "The Holy Spirit" or "Holy Ghost") is given to us as guide, counselor, chastener, comforter, etc., not with the end result of making us better...but for bringing us closer into daily connection with our Heavenly Father and His work in us & through us. The result of this does, indeed, produce wonderful results of love, joy, peace, etc. in us...but these are byproducts, not the goal. When we make our own benefits the goal, we start worshipping them instead of the giver of gifts...and fall into a self-centered cycle of idolatry.
Following Jesus...being a "Christian", or literally "Little Christ"... is about knowing Him better & better each day, learning to hear His voice and to love and obey Him all day every day in increasing measure...trusting that, with Him in control, our life circumstances and emotional health will fall into conformity with His character and His plans for us. He can be trusted.
Here are some nuggets I've gleaned lately from author Henry Blackaby in "Experiencing God":
- "Now that the Holy Spirit has been given to believers, He is the One who guides you into all truth and teaches you all things. You understand spiritual truth because the Holy Spirit is working in your life.
- "Too often when the Spirit of God speaks to us, we launch into a protracted discussion with Him, questioning the correctness of His directions. Moses tried it at the burning bush (see Exodus 3:11-4:13), and it limited him for the rest of his life.
- "I encourage you to review on a regular basis what you sense God has been saying to you. If God speaks and you hear but do not respond, a time could come when you will not hear His voice. Disobedience can lead to a 'famine of hearing the words of the Lord' (Amos 8:11)...Make up your mind now that when the Spirit of God speaks, you are going to do what He says.
- "He wants you to recognize His voice and know His will. Your relationship to Him is the key to hearing when God speaks to you If you do not already have that kind of relationship with God, start right now by praying. Ask God to guide you into such a relationship, and commit yourself to invest the time and effort to know Him better.
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